

Paper Presentation


Dongliang Huang, Hiroyuki Goto, Chenlin Xiang, Lianheng Zhao, Yingbin Zhang: Contribution of ground motions to landslide distribution during the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake, Journal of Disaster Science and Management, Vol.1, No.1, 2025.

Keita Uemura, Zen Kasahara, Daiki Ichikawa, Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshikazu Takahashi: Evaluation of retrofitting effect of concrete filling in hollow RC columns using XFEM, Engineering Structures, 2024.

Hiroyuki Goto: Source scaling of simulated dynamic ruptures using hierarchical slip-weakening patch model, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.114, No.2, pp.690-709, 2024.

Dongliang Huang, Hiroyuki Goto, Chenlin Xiang: Controlling Role of Ground Motion Time Histories on the North-South Difference in Coseismic Landslide Distribution during the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.13, pp.355-360, 2024.

Keigo Kimura, Jun Kurima, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada, Gonghui Wang: Evaluating Sand Particle Behavior in Liquefaction through Video Analysis of Ring Shear Experiments with a Transparent Shear Box, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.21, pp.770-775, 2024.

Shota Goto, Hiroyuki Goto, Anirban Chakraborty: Spatial distribution of ground motion during the 2018 Northern Osaka earthquake (Mw5.6) based on a microtremor survey in Ibaraki city, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.28, pp.1064-1059, 2024.

Jun Kurima, Yoshikazu Shingaki, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: A new model for reciprocating phase transition in liquefied ground considering floating soil particles, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.30, pp.1142-1146, 2024.

Motoyasu Mori, Hiroyuki Goto, Jun Kurima, Sumio Sawada, Toru Igarashi: Seismic earth pressure acting on semi-underground structures considering cyclic behavior of soil ground, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.36, pp.1371-1376, 2024.

Ayaka Nakatsuji, Hiroyuki Goto: Nature of fault rupture under the influence of the dynamic interaction between rupture process and sedimentary layers, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, Vol.10, No.47, pp.1747-1752, 2024.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Updating proxy-based site amplification map with in-situ data in Osaka, Japan: A Bayesian scheme based on uncertainty projected mapping, Earthquake Spectra, Vol.40, No.1, pp.113-142, 2023.

Yomi Harada, Hiroyuki Goto, and Sumio Sawada: Initiation process of tension cracks in soil embankment on liquefied sandy ground investigated from centrifuge model test, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.161, 107444, 2022.

Yoshihiro Kaneko and Hiroyuki Goto: The origin of large, long-period near-fault ground velocities during surface-breaking strike-slip earthquakes, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.49, e2022GL098029, 2022.

Toru Igarashi, Sumio Sawada, Hiroyuki Goto: Earth pressure acting on semi-underground structures during and after earthquakes, Journal of JSCE, Vol.10, No.1, pp.111-123, 2022.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Muriel Naguit, John Young: Records of extreme ground accelerations during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake sequence contaminated by a non-linear, soil-structure interaction, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.111, No.2, pp.704-722, 2021.

Ryota Otake, Jun Kurima, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Deep learning model for spatial interpolation of real-time seismic intensity, Seismological Research Letters, Vol.91, No.6, pp.3433-3443, 2020.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto: Visualizing data saturation process in mapping site amplification of earthquake ground motions, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.40, No.2, pp.14-25, 2020.

Hiroyuki Goto, Aki Toyomasu, Sumio Sawada: Delayed subevents during the Mw6.2 first shock of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol.124, No.12, pp.13112-13123, 2019.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshihiro Kaneko, John Young, Hamish Avery, Len Damiano: Extreme Accelerations During Earthquakes Caused by Elastic Flapping Effect, Scientific Reports, Vol.9, 1117, 2019.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto: A Bayesian model reflecting uncertainties on map resolutions with application to the study of site response variation, Geophysical Journal International, Vol.214, No.3, pp.2264-2276, 2018.

Yoshikazu Shingaki, Sumio Sawada, Hiroyuki Goto: Evaluation performance for site amplification factors: S-wave impedance vs. Vs30, Soils and Foundations, Vol.58, No.4, pp.911-927, 2018.

Shun Araki, Tatsuya Noguchi, Masao Komazawa, Shoya Arimura, Mitsuhiro Tamura, Kei Nakayama, Hitoshi Morikawa, Takashi Miyamoto, Kahori Iiyama, Yoshiya Hata, Masayuki Yoshimi, Takao Kagawa, and Hiroyuki Goto: 3-D gravity basement structure around Mashiki, Kumamoto, Japan, Journal of Disaster research, Vol.13, No.1, 2018.

Masumi Yamada, Junzo Ohmura, and Hiroyuki Goto: Wooden building damage analysis in the Mashiki town for the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes on April 14 and 16, Earthquake Spectra, Vol.33, No.4, pp.1555-1572, 2017.

Shusuke Oji, Sumio Sawada, and Hiroyuki Goto: Estimation of response spectra of earthquake ground motion based on an attenuation equation with detailed analysis of source and site effects, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.107, No.1, pp.292-307, 2017.

Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Mitsunaga, Masayuki Inatani, Kahori Iiyama, Koji Hada, Takaaki Ikeda, Toshiyasu Takaya, Sayaka Kimura, Ryohei Akiyama, Sumio Sawada, and Hitoshi Morikawa: Shallow subsurface structure estimated from dense aftershock records and microtremor observation in Furukawa district, Miyagi, Japan, Exploration Geophysics, Vol.48, No.1, pp.16-27, 2017.

Sayaka Kimura, Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa, and Sumio Sawada: Identification of incident and site-to-site factors for ground motion coherence based on very dense seismic array observations, Proc. 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, No.378, pp.1-7, 2015.

Hiroyuki Goto, Nobuaki Tanaka, Sumio Sawada, and Hideki Inatani: S-wave impedance measurements of the uppermost material in surface ground layers: vertical load excitation on a circular disk, Soils and Foundations, Vol.55, No.5, pp.1282-1292, 2015.

Hiroyuki Goto: Series expansion of complex ground amplifications with a sequence of simple transfer functions, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.43, No.13, pp.1975-1997, 2014.

Yoshikazu Shingaki, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Numerical study on wave propagation in a low-rigidity elastic medium considering the effects of gravity, Wave Motion, Vol.51, No.5, pp.729-742, 2014.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshiya Hata, Yasuko Kuwata, Hidekazu Yamamoto, Hitoshi Morikawa and Shunichi Kataoka: Earthquake source and ground motion characteristics in eastern Japan during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, Journal of JSCE, Vol.1, No.1, pp.329-342, 2013.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yuichi Kawamura, Sumio Sawada and Takashi Akazawa: Direct estimation of near-surface damping based on normalized energy density, Geophys. J. Int., Vol.194, No.1, pp.488-498, 2013.

Hiroyuki Goto and Hitoshi Morikawa: Ground motion characteristics during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, Soils and Foundations, Vol.52, No.5, pp.769-779, 2012.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yojiro Yamamoto and Saeko Kita: Dynamic rupture simulation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake: multi-event generation within dozens of seconds, Earth, Planets and Space, Vol.64, No.12, pp.1167-1175, 2012.
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Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa, Masayuki Inatani, Yumiko Ogura, Satoshi Tokue, Xin-Rui Zhang, Masahiro Iwasaki, Masayuki Araki, Sumio Sawada and Aspasia Zerva: Very dense seismic array observations in Furukawa district, Japan, Seismological Research Letters, Vol.83, No.5, pp.765-774, 2012.
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Kazunori Wada and Hiroyuki Goto: Generation mechanism of surface and buried faults: Effect of plasticity in a shallow crust structure, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.102, No.4, pp.1712-1728, 2012.
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Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada and Toshiyuki Hirai: Conserved quantity of elastic waves in multi-layered media: 2D SH case -Normalized Energy Density-, Wave Motion, Vol.48, No.7, pp.603-613, 2011.
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Hiroyuki Goto, Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman and Jacobo Bielak: Simulation of spontaneous rupture based on a combined boundary integral equation method and finite element method approach: SH and P-SV cases, Geophys. J. Int., Vol.183, No.2, pp.975-1004, 2010.
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Sherliza Zaini Sooria, Sumio Sawada, Azlan Adnan and Hiroyuki Goto: An investigation on the attenuation characteristics of distant ground motions Peninsular Malaysia by comparing values recorded with estimated PGA and PGV, Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.22, No.1, pp.38-52, 2010.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Trade-offs among dynamic parameters inferred from results of dynamic source inversion, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.100, No.3, pp.910-922, 2010.
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Hiroyuki Goto, Chika Takahashi, Yayoi Ishii, Su-Qun Ling, Ken Miyakoshi, Hitoshi Morikawa, Yoshiki Sato, Sumio Sawada, Yoshikazu Shingaki, Yuto Suzuki, Daisuke Takabatake and Masato Joshima: Deep subsurface structure estimated by microtremors array observations and gravity surveys in Kashiwazaki area, Japan, Soils and Foundations, Vol.49, No.4, pp.651-659, 2009.

Nozomi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Goto, Koji Yamada and Sumio Sawada: Shallow S-wave seismic reflection survey around the K-NET Anamizu site, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems, pp.2933-2939, 2009.

Hiroyuki Goto and Jacobo Bielak: Galerkin boundary integral equation method for spontaneous rupture propagation problems: SH-case, Geophys. J. Int., Vol.172, No.3, pp.1083-1103, 2008.
Link, PDF, Open Code.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Comment on "An Exact Solution for Effects of Topography on Free Rayleigh Waves" by William Z. Savage, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.97, No.1B, pp.353, 2007.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Dynamic source inversion based on stable formulation and on identification of the resolution level via a multi-scale approach, Geophys. J. Int., Vol.167, No.2, pp.779-793, 2006.
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Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada, Hitoshi Morikawa, Hiroyoshi Kiku, and Serdar Ozalaybey: Modeling of 3D subsurface structure and numerical simulation of strong ground motion in the Adapazari basin during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake, Turkey, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol.95, No.6, pp.2197-2215, 2005.

Reports and Proceedings

Rintaro Enomoto, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Chi-Hsien Tang, Yo Fukushima, Hiroyuki Goto, Shin'ichi Miyazaki: Kinematic Rupture Modeling Unveils Multi-Fault Segments and Multi-Rupture Episodes during the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, AGU annual meeting 2024, S41G-3379, 2024/12/9-13.

Keigo Kimura, Hiroyuki Goto, Masatoshi Miyazawa: Evaluation of ground response using microtremor observations and fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing, The 35th KKHTCNN symposium, 2024/11/20-21.

Ayaka Nakatsuji, Hiroyuki Goto: Dynamic rupture simulation of earthquake source process considering the effect of low-velocity layers, The 35th KKHTCNN symposium, 2024/11/20-21.

Hiroyuki Goto: Scaling properties of a source fault model with Dc hierarchical patch structure, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, GRM2, 2024/7/1-5.

Ayaka Nakatsuji, Hiroyuki Goto: Dynamic rupture simulation of the efffect of sedimentary layers on fault rupture, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, GRM4, 2024/7/1-5.

Dongliang Huang, Hiroyuki Goto, Chenlin Xiang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang: Fragility assessment of slope stability during the 2018 Hokkaido eastern Iburi earthquake, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, GEO8, 2024/7/1-5.

Hiroyuki Goto: 2024 Damage report of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan, 1st January, 2024, Site response, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, SS-4-01, 2024/5/7-10.

Ayaka Nakatsuji, Hiroyuki Goto: Nature of fault rupture under the influence of the dynamic interaction between rupture process and sedimentary layers, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-36-02, 2024/5/7-10.

Motoyasu Mori, Hiroyuki Goto, Jun Kurima, Sumio Sawada, Toru Igarashi: Seismic earth pressure acting on semi-underground structures considering cyclic behavior of soil ground, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-25-03, 2024/5/7-10.

Jun Kurima, Yoshikazu Shingaki, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: A new model for reciprocating phase transition in liquefied ground considering floating soil particles, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-19-05, 2024/5/7-10.

Shota Goto, Hiroyuki Goto, Anirban Chakraborty: Spatial distribution of ground motion during the 2018 Northern Osaka earthquake (Mw5.6) based on a microtremor survey in Ibaraki city 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-17-07, 2024/5/7-10.

Keigo Kimura, Jun Kurima, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada, Gonghui Wang: Evaluating Sand Particle Behavior in Liquefaction through Video Analysis of Ring Shear Experiments with a Transparent Shear Box, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-10-03, 2024/5/7-10.

Dongliang Huang, Hiroyuki Goto, Chenlin Xiang: Controlling Role of Ground Motion Time Histories on the North-South Difference in Coseismic Landslide Distribution during the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, 8th International Conferenece on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, OS-2-01, 2024/5/7-10.

Hiroyuki Goto, Ayaka Nakatsuji, Dongling Huang, Silvana Montoya-Noguera: Ground motions and geotechnical aspects of the Noto Peninsula earthquake, Japan, EGU24, 2024/4/14-19.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Uncertainty Projected Mapping: A Bayesian tool for generating site response maps with statistically significant resolutions, EGU24, 2024/4/14-19.

Hiroyuki Goto: Scaling of fault rupture process numerically simulated from hierarchy patch source model, AGU annual meeting 2023, 2023/12/11-15.

Hiroyuki Goto: GADRI Database Project, Disaster Collection Database and Case Study Database, 6th Global Summit of GADRI, 2023/3/15-17.

Hiroyuki Goto: Possible Contribution from GADRI Disaster Collection Database, 6th Global Summit of GADRI, 2023/3/15-17.

Hiroyuki Goto: Can hierarchy patch source model simulate the nature of surface fault earthquakes?, AGU annual meeting 2022, S23A-01, 2022/12/12-16

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Updating Proxy-based Site Amplification Map in Osaka, Japan with Soil Borehole Data: A Bayesian Updating Scheme based on Uncertainty Projected Mapping, AGU annual meeting 2022, S45B-08, 2022/12/12-16

Hiroyuki Goto, Anirban Chakraborty: Uniform Uncertainty Mapping Application to Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Problems, AGU annual meeting 2021, S15B-0251, 2021/12/13-17

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto: Visualizing data saturation in geospatial mapping with application to earthquake engineering, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.1d-0004, 2021/9/27-10/2

Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshi Kaneko, John Young, Muriel Naguit: Extremely large asymmetric vertical accelerations (AsVA) during recent earthquakes, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.1e-0002, 2021/9/27-10/2

Masayuki Yoshimi, Kaori Iiyama, Hitoshi Morikawa, Hiroyuki Goto: Site amplification revealed by aftershock and microtremor array observation around the source area of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.1d-0094, 2021/9/27-10/2

Keita Uemura, Yoshikazu Takahashi, Hiroyuki Goto: Influence of cover concrete in mesnager hinge on its mechanical property, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.2c-0326, 2021/9/27-10/2.

Toru Igarashi, Sumio Sawada, Hiroyuki Goto: Mechanism of earth pressure acting on semi-underground structure during and after earthquake, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.3a-0026, 2021/9/27-10/2.

Hiroyuki Goto, Anirban Chakraborty: Uncertainty projected mapping with application to regional seismic hazard analysis, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.1g-0002, 2021/9/27-10/2

Nozomu Yoshida, Sumio Sawada, Hiroyuki Goto: Multiple excitation problem for underground structure, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.4f-0002, 2021/9/27-10/2

Jun Kurima, Yoshikazu Shingaki, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Liquefaction model considering solid to fluid transition based on internal erosion, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.4c-0074, 2021/9/27-10/2.

Ryota Otake, Jun Kurima, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Deep learning model to predict real-time seismic intensity, Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.9c-0003, 2021/9/27-10/2.

Hiroyuki Goto: Bayesian posterior mean velocity modeling as alternative to resolution guaranteed imaging, the 6th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effect of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 2021/8/30-9/1.

Takuya Nishimura and Hiroyuki Goto: Advanced seismic hazard modeling with geodetic data and mapping with uncertainty visualization, 5th Global summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021/8/31-9/1.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: Uncertainty Projected Mapping with Application to Updating Conventional Earthquake Hazard Map Resolutions, EERI Annual Meeting 2021, 2021/3/23-25.

Junji Kiyono, Yoshikazu Takahashi, Tetsuo Tobita, Yasuko, Kuwata, Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshihiro Okumura: Reconaissance report on the earthquake in Osaka-fu Hokubu on June 18, 2018, JSCE Disaster Reports, FactSheet: FS2021-E-0002, 2021.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yoshihiro Kaneko, Muriel Naguit, John Young: Large Asymmetric Vertical Accelerations in Recent Earthquakes Caused by Elastic Flapping Effect, AGU annual Meeting 2020, 2020/12/1-17.

Yoshihiro Kaneko, Hiroyuki Goto: The origin of a strong, near-fault velocity pulse during a surface-breaking earthquake, AGU annual Meeting 2020, 2020/12/1-17.

Daiki Yamashita, Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada: XFEM simulation of rupture direction on branching faults, AGU annual Meeting 2020, 2020/12/1-17.

Anirban Chakraborty, Hiroyuki Goto: Visualizing data saturation in modeling spatially varying ground motions, AGU annual Meeting 2019, 2019/12/9-13.

Hiroyuki Goto: Extreme acceleration records during earthquakes, 1st NZ-Japan Joint Symposium on Structural and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 2018/11/27.

Hiroyuki Goto: Ground motion characteristics during the 2018 northern Osaka earthquake, the 31st KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2018/11/22-24.

Hiroyuki Goto, Nobuaki Tanaka, Sumio Sawada, and Hideki Inatani: S-wave impedance measurements of the uppermost material in surface ground layers, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.636, 2017/1/9-13.

Yoshikazu Shingaki, Sumio Sawada, and Hiroyuki Goto: Effective parameter set for site amplification factors: S-wave impedance vs. Vs30, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.798, 2017/1/9-13.

Anirban Chakraborty and Hiroyuki Goto: A hierarchical Bayesian approach to spatial modelling of site amplification, the 29th KKHTCNN symposium on civil engineering, pp.517-520, 2016/11/3-5.

Hiroyuki Goto, Sayaka Kimura, Hitoshi Morikawa, and Sumio Sawada: Effect of subsurface irregularity on ground motion coherence, 5th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 2016.

Yoshikazu Shingaki, Hiroyuki Goto, and Sumio Sawada: Application of S-wave impedance to site amplification factors, 5th IASPEI/IAEE International Symposium: Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 2016.

Hiroyuki Goto: Very dense seismic array observation in Furukawa, Japan: spatial variation of earthquake ground motion, the 8th Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazard Mitigation in 2015, 2015.

Hiroyuki Goto, Masayuki Inatani, Sayaka Kimura, Hitoshi Morikawa, and Sumio Sawada: Very dense seismic array observation in Furukawa, Japan: spatial variation of earthquake ground motion, the 28th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.

Takaaki Ikeda, Hiroyuki Goto, and Sumio Sawada: Crack propagation in soil embankment based on X-FEM considering tensile failure mode, the 28th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2015.

Sayaka Kimura, Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa, and Sumio Sawada: Identification of incident and site-to-site factors for ground motion coherence based on very dense seismic array observations, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 2015.

Hiroyuki Goto, Nobuaki Tanaka, Sumio Sawada, Hideki Inatani: S-wave impedance measurement of most upper material in ground surface layers -vertical load excitation on circular disk-, the 27th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2014.

Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa, Masayuki Inatani, Yumiko Ogura, Satoshi Tokue, Xin-rui Zhang, Masahiro Iwasaki, Masayuki Araki, Sumio Sawada and Aspacia Zerva: Site amplification based on very dense seismic array observations in Furukawa district, Japan, ICOSSAR 2013, 2013.

Hiroyuki Goto: Fundamental property of cross terms of ground transfer function, 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, 2013.

Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa, Masayuki Inatani, Yumiko Ogura, Satoshi Tokue, Xin-rui Zhang, Masahiro Iwasaki, Masayuki Araki and Sumio Sawada: Preliminary study of ground motion characteristics in Furukawa district Japan, based on very dense seismic-array-observaton, One Year after 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake -International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the Giant Earthquake-, 2012.

Hiroyuki Goto, Yojiro Yamamoto, Saeko Kita: Dynamic source rupture process during the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, the 24th KKCNN Symposium, 2011.

Kazunori Wada, Hiroyuki Goto: Generation mechanism of surface and buried faults considering the effect of plasticity in a shallow crust structure, 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, 2011.

Hiroyuki Goto, Sumio Sawada, Yuichi Kawamura, Toshiyuki Hirai and Takashi Akazawa: Definition of normalized energy density and its application to direct estimation od damping property, The 4th International IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 2011.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Trade-offs among dynamic parameters inferred from 2D dynamic source inversion results, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, 2010.

Hiroyuki Goto and Jacobo Bielak: Hybrid multidomain finite element and boundary element method for dynamic rupture in heterogeneous media, Workshop Earthquake Source Dynamics, 2010.

Hiroyuki Goto, Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman and Jacobo Bielak: Simulation of spontaneous rupture based on a combined boundary integral equation method and finite element method approach, Workshop Earthquake Source Dynamics, 2010.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Trade-offs of dynamic parameters inferred from 2D dynamic source inversion results, 2008 AGU Fall Meeting, 2008.

Hiroyuki Goto, Hide Sakaguchi and Sumio Sawada: Can 1D scalar variables in friction law really describe 3D fault system?, 7th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission and Seismological Society of Japan, 2008 Fall meeting, 2008.

Hiroyuki Goto and Jacobo Bielak: Galerkin boundary integral equation method for spontaneous rupture propagation problems, The 21st KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2008.

Hiroyuki Goto, Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman and Jacobo Bielak: Numerical simulation of dynamic fault rupture propagation based on a combination of BIEM and FEM solutions, 14th WCEE, 2008.

Sumio Sawada, Iwao Suetomi, Yasuhiro Fukushima and Hiroyuki Goto: Characteristics and distribution of strong ground motion during the 2004 Niigata-ken chuetsu and 2007 Niigata-ken chuetsu-oki Earthquake in Japan, 14th WCEE, 2008.

Hiroyuki Goto and Jacobo Bielak: Galerkin boundary integral equation method for spontaneous rupture propagation problems, 2007 AGU Fall Meeting, 2007.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Sensitivity analysis of dynamic parameters based on dynamic source inversion problem, 2006 AGU Fall Meeting, 2006. 

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Dynamic source inversion based on stable formulation, 1st ECEES, 2006.

Hiroyuki Goto, Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman, and Jacobo Bielak: A hybrid boundary integral equation and domain finite element method for dynamic rupture in heterogeneous media: antiplane case, 2005 AGU Fall Meeting, 2005.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Dynamic source inversion analysis based on the formulation avoiding undesirable sensitivity, 4th KKN seminor, 2005.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Numerical simulation of strong ground motion on Adapazari basin during the 1999 Kocaeri, Turkey, Earthquake, 17th KKCNN, 2004.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Numerical simulation of strong ground motion on Adapazari basin during the 1999 Kocaeri Turkey Earthquake, 13th WCEE, 2004.

Sumio Sawada, Hiroyuki Goto, Hitoshi Morikawa and Hiroyoshi Kiku: Numerical simulation of strong ground motion around Adapazari basin during the 1999 Kocaeri Earthquake, Turkey, IUGG2003, 2003.

Hiroyuki Goto and Sumio Sawada: Numerical simulation of strong motion around Adapazari basin during the 1999 Kocaeri, Turkey earthquake, 2nd KKN seminor, 2003.

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