

2022年1月22日に発生した日向灘の地震について (first report: 2022/01/22, last update: 2022/01/25)
Earthquake summary on 22 January, 2022, Hyuganada, Japan

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1. 地震の概要 Summary of earthquake


 本地震では大分県の大分市,佐伯市,竹田市,宮崎県の延岡市,高千穂町で最大となる震度5強を観測し,熊本県,高知県でも広く震度5弱を観測しました.なお,本地震では震度5弱以上と考えられるものの震度情報が入手できていない市町村があります[2].このため,新しい情報によっては震度分布も更新される可能性があります.地震による被害状況に関しては,土木学会地震工学委員会 地震被害調査小委員会のサイト[3],ならびに各機関から公開されている情報[4,5]等を参考にしてください.

 An earthquake of Mj6.6 occurred at 01:08 on 22 January, 2022 at locat time (UTC: 16:08, 21 Jan.), with the epicenter in the Hyuganada, Japan. The depth of the hypocenter is estimated to be about 45 km. According to the CMT solution by F-net (NIED), it was a normal fault type earthquake with an east-west tension axis. This earthquake is considered to occur in the Philippine Sea Plate, which subducts beneath the western Japan. The earthquake occurred within the source area of the Nankai Trough earthquake, but it will not be investigated in relation to the mega earthquake expected to occur in the Nankai Trough[1]. However, this may be surveyed in the future.

 The largest seismic intensity scale by JMA was 5+ recorded in Oita city, Saeki city, and Takeda city in Oita Prefecture, and Nobeoka city and Takachiho town in Miyazaki Prefecture. The seismic intensities at some cities where the scale is considered to be higher than 5 are not yet available[2]. Therefore, the distribution may be updated with new information. For detail information on damage caused by earthquakes, please refer to the website of the committee on Earthquake Engineering, JSCE[3], as well as information published by relevant organizations[4,5].

2. 地震動の概要 Summary of ground motion



 The velocity waveforms and acceleration response spectra (5% damping constant) of representative records from the JMA and the NIED strong-motion observation networks (K-NET and KiK-net) are compared. At K-NET Yufuin (OIT009), which had a seismic intensity about 6-, ground motion with PGA of 0.34g and PGV of 0.54 m/s was observed. At K-NET Oita (OIT010) and JMA Saeki, recording the seismic intensity was 5+, ground motions with PGV of about 0.30 m/s and 0.26 m/s were observed, respectively. At K-NET Yufuin (OIT009), the amplitude of EW component is larger, and two major pulse-like phases can be observed. On the other hand, K-NET Oita (OIT010) shows the maximum amplitude in the NS component, which lags behind the S-wave arraival, also indicates relatively long durations.

 The acceleration response spectra of K-NET Yufuin (OIT009) show a shape with a peak around 1.0 second, and those of K-NET Oita (OIT009) and JMA Saeki show a peak around 0.5 seconds. The responses are small compared to the JMA Kobe record (1995 Kobe earthquake), which is the record of past damage earthquakes. The impact on the main structures might be limited.



謝辞 Acknowledgment

 In this report, I used strong ground motion records of JMA and NIED. I appreciate for the efforts.

参考文献 References

[1] 気象庁:令和4年1月22日01時08分頃の日向灘の地震について.https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/press/2201/22/202201220310.html

[2] 気象庁:令和4年1月22日01時08分頃の日向灘の地震で観測された震度について.https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/press/2201/22d/20220122_oshirase.pdf

[3] 土木学会地震工学委員会 地震被害調査小委員会.https://committees.jsce.or.jp/eec205/

[4] 大分県:令和4年1月22日の地震に関する災害情報について.https://www.pref.oita.jp/site/bosaiportal/040122jisin.html

[5] 宮崎県:令和4年1月22日地震(最大震度5強)による被害状況について.https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/kiki-kikikanri/kurashi/bosai/20220122042559.html

文責 後藤浩之 (Hiroyuki Goto)京都大学防災研究所 DPRI Kyoto University

Mail to : gotocatfish.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp (@は半角の@に置き換えて下さい)